Arunsri Sunthornpit,Arunsri Sunthornpit..[et al.]. 2001. The formulation development and in vitro release of theophylline cream. Songkhla:Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Prince of Songkla University;
Arunsri Sunthornpit,Arunsri Sunthornpit..[et al.]. (2001) The formulation development and in vitro release of theophylline cream. Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Prince of Songkla University:Songkhla.
Arunsri Sunthornpit,Arunsri Sunthornpit..[et al.]. The formulation development and in vitro release of theophylline cream. Songkhla:Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Prince of Songkla University, 2001. Print.
Arunsri Sunthornpit,Arunsri Sunthornpit..[et al.]. (2001) The formulation development and in vitro release of theophylline cream. Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Prince of Songkla University:Songkhla.