Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia.
Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia.
ชื่อเรื่อง :
Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia.
ปี :
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ผู้แต่ง :
Theunissen, Robert George
ผู้แต่งร่วม :

Theunissen และผู้แต่งคนอื่นๆ. 2003. Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia. , University of New England;

Theunissen และผู้แต่งคนอื่นๆ. (2003) Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia. . University of New England/Armidale.

Theunissen และผู้แต่งคนอื่นๆ. Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia. . Armidale:University of New England, 2003.

Theunissen และผู้แต่งคนอื่นๆ. (2003) Agate and carnelian beads and the dynamics of social complexity in iron age mainland Southeast Asia. . University of New England/Armidale.

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