Sahalaph Homwuttiwong. ม.ป.ป. Study of strength and water permeability of concrete containing various pozzolanic materials. , ม.ป.พ.;
Sahalaph Homwuttiwong. (ม.ป.ป.) Study of strength and water permeability of concrete containing various pozzolanic materials . ม.ป.พ./ม.ป.ท.
Sahalaph Homwuttiwong. Study of strength and water permeability of concrete containing various pozzolanic materials. . ม.ป.ท.:ม.ป.พ., ม.ป.ป.
Sahalaph Homwuttiwong. (ม.ป.ป.) Study of strength and water permeability of concrete containing various pozzolanic materials . ม.ป.พ./ม.ป.ท.