A financial cost-benefit analysis of joint investment of biogas systems for electricity generation :|ba case study of small and medium scale swine farm Thasadet sub-district municipality, Muang district, Suphanburi province
A financial cost-benefit analysis of joint investment of biogas systems for electricity generation :|ba case study of small and medium scale swine farm Thasadet sub-district municipality, Muang district, Suphanburi province
ชื่อเรื่อง :
A financial cost-benefit analysis of joint investment of biogas systems for electricity generation :|ba case study of small and medium scale swine farm Thasadet sub-district municipality, Muang district, Suphanburi province
ปี :
หมวด :
ผู้แต่ง :
Supattra Um-Kerd
ผู้แต่งร่วม :
Patompong Saguanwong
รหัสดีโอไอ :

Supattra Um-Kerd. 2010. A financial cost-benefit analysis of joint investment of biogas systems for electricity generation :|ba case study of small and medium scale swine farm Thasadet sub-district municipality, Muang district, Suphanburi province. , Mahidol University; DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14457/MU.the.2010.276

Supattra Um-Kerd. (2010) A financial cost-benefit analysis of joint investment of biogas systems for electricity generation :|ba case study of small and medium scale swine farm Thasadet sub-district municipality, Muang district, Suphanburi province . Mahidol University/Bangkok. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14457/MU.the.2010.276

Supattra Um-Kerd. A financial cost-benefit analysis of joint investment of biogas systems for electricity generation :|ba case study of small and medium scale swine farm Thasadet sub-district municipality, Muang district, Suphanburi province. . Bangkok:Mahidol University, 2010. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14457/MU.the.2010.276

Supattra Um-Kerd. (2010) A financial cost-benefit analysis of joint investment of biogas systems for electricity generation :|ba case study of small and medium scale swine farm Thasadet sub-district municipality, Muang district, Suphanburi province . Mahidol University/Bangkok. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14457/MU.the.2010.276

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