Abhaya Raj Sharma. 2013. An independent study on establishment of a rice plant and financing through one of the banks in nepal. , Stamford International University; DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14458/STIU.the.2013.1
Abhaya Raj Sharma. (2013) An independent study on establishment of a rice plant and financing through one of the banks in nepal . Stamford International University/Bangkok. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14458/STIU.the.2013.1
Abhaya Raj Sharma. An independent study on establishment of a rice plant and financing through one of the banks in nepal. . Bangkok:Stamford International University, 2013. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14458/STIU.the.2013.1
Abhaya Raj Sharma. (2013) An independent study on establishment of a rice plant and financing through one of the banks in nepal . Stamford International University/Bangkok. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14458/STIU.the.2013.1