An ethno-epidemiological study of lay beliefs and experiences of fever-related illness among Laotian patients living near the Lao-Thai border
An ethno-epidemiological study of lay beliefs and experiences of fever-related illness among Laotian patients living near the Lao-Thai border
ชื่อเรื่อง :
An ethno-epidemiological study of lay beliefs and experiences of fever-related illness among Laotian patients living near the Lao-Thai border
ปี :
หมวด :
ผู้แต่ง :
Pahurat Kongmuang Taisuwan
ผู้แต่งร่วม :
Luechai Sri-ngernyuagn
รหัสดีโอไอ :

Pahurat Kongmuang Taisuwan. 2012. An ethno-epidemiological study of lay beliefs and experiences of fever-related illness among Laotian patients living near the Lao-Thai border. , Mahidol University; DOI :

Pahurat Kongmuang Taisuwan. (2012) An ethno-epidemiological study of lay beliefs and experiences of fever-related illness among Laotian patients living near the Lao-Thai border . Mahidol University/Nakhon Pathom. DOI :

Pahurat Kongmuang Taisuwan. An ethno-epidemiological study of lay beliefs and experiences of fever-related illness among Laotian patients living near the Lao-Thai border. . Nakhon Pathom:Mahidol University, 2012. DOI :

Pahurat Kongmuang Taisuwan. (2012) An ethno-epidemiological study of lay beliefs and experiences of fever-related illness among Laotian patients living near the Lao-Thai border . Mahidol University/Nakhon Pathom. DOI :

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