Christian Kurnia Putra. 2014. Biological activities of cordyline fruticosa leaves and synthesis of xanthene derivatives using hexabromoacetone. , King mongkut’s university of technology thonburi; DOI :
Christian Kurnia Putra. (2014) Biological activities of cordyline fruticosa leaves and synthesis of xanthene derivatives using hexabromoacetone . King mongkut’s university of technology thonburi/Bangkok. DOI :
Christian Kurnia Putra. Biological activities of cordyline fruticosa leaves and synthesis of xanthene derivatives using hexabromoacetone. . Bangkok:King mongkut’s university of technology thonburi, 2014. DOI :
Christian Kurnia Putra. (2014) Biological activities of cordyline fruticosa leaves and synthesis of xanthene derivatives using hexabromoacetone . King mongkut’s university of technology thonburi/Bangkok. DOI :