Tita Septi Handayani. 2015. The effect of self-efficacy for refusal smoking program among male junior high school in Bangkulu, Indonesia. , Kasetsart University; DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14457/KU.the.2015.71
Tita Septi Handayani. (2015) The effect of self-efficacy for refusal smoking program among male junior high school in Bangkulu, Indonesia . Kasetsart University/Bangkok. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14457/KU.the.2015.71
Tita Septi Handayani. The effect of self-efficacy for refusal smoking program among male junior high school in Bangkulu, Indonesia. . Bangkok:Kasetsart University, 2015. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14457/KU.the.2015.71
Tita Septi Handayani. (2015) The effect of self-efficacy for refusal smoking program among male junior high school in Bangkulu, Indonesia . Kasetsart University/Bangkok. DOI : https://doi.nrct.go.th/ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14457/KU.the.2015.71