C. Ketavan. [19--]. Effects of a juvenile hormone analogul on the biology of the stable fly (stomoxys calcitrans (L.)). Bangkok:Kasetsart University;
C. Ketavan. ([19--]) Effects of a juvenile hormone analogul on the biology of the stable fly (stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) (รายงานผลงานวิจัย). Kasetsart University:Bangkok.
C. Ketavan. Effects of a juvenile hormone analogul on the biology of the stable fly (stomoxys calcitrans (L.)). Bangkok:Kasetsart University, [19--].
C. Ketavan. ([19--]) Effects of a juvenile hormone analogul on the biology of the stable fly (stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) (รายงานผลงานวิจัย). Kasetsart University:Bangkok.