A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and nursing education in Thailand
A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and nursing education in Thailand
ชื่อเรื่อง :
A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and nursing education in Thailand
ปี :
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ผู้แต่ง :
Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp
ผู้แต่งร่วม :

Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp,Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp..[et al.]. 1996. A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and nursing education in Thailand. Songkhla:Faculty of Nursing Prince of Songkla University;

Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp,Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp..[et al.]. (1996) A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and nursing education in Thailand (รายงานผลงานวิจัย). Faculty of Nursing Prince of Songkla University:Songkhla.

Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp,Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp..[et al.]. A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and nursing education in Thailand. Songkhla:Faculty of Nursing Prince of Songkla University, 1996.

Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp,Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp..[et al.]. (1996) A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and nursing education in Thailand (รายงานผลงานวิจัย). Faculty of Nursing Prince of Songkla University:Songkhla.

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