Study of how the muscles around the wrist and elbow affect performance using electromyography on Thai amateur and professional golfers
Study of how the muscles around the wrist and elbow affect performance using electromyography on Thai amateur and professional golfers
ชื่อเรื่อง :
Study of how the muscles around the wrist and elbow affect performance using electromyography on Thai amateur and professional golfers
ปี :
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ผู้แต่ง :
Nirut Sanchai
ผู้แต่งร่วม :

Nirut Sanchai. 2010. Study of how the muscles around the wrist and elbow affect performance using electromyography on Thai amateur and professional golfers. College of Sports Science and Technology, Mahidol University;

Nirut Sanchai. (2010) Study of how the muscles around the wrist and elbow affect performance using electromyography on Thai amateur and professional golfers . Mahidol University/Bangkok.

Nirut Sanchai. Study of how the muscles around the wrist and elbow affect performance using electromyography on Thai amateur and professional golfers. . Bangkok:Mahidol University, 2010.

Nirut Sanchai. (2010) Study of how the muscles around the wrist and elbow affect performance using electromyography on Thai amateur and professional golfers . Mahidol University/Bangkok.

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